Friday, April 16, 2010

What's blooming in my garden already?

Yellow rhodos in bloom.

Red rhodos in bloom.

This is my Italian plum tree.

The "old old old" cherry tree.

I have to shuffle through the labels to figure out what these pretty yellow flowers are. The interesting thing about them is that they close up overnight and open again in the morning.

This is my house warming gift from pear tree. I'm crossing my fingers that I actually get some pears off of it this year.

This is a clump is growing out of a space about 8 inches wide between concrete and its also loaded with rocks. It's so beautiful to see it there!

One of the pots of bulbs I planted. I did several and have been moving them around to enjoy them where I walk often.


These are Sophie and Willie's two babies that still need homes.

I call this little girl "Miss Piggy" because she is the largest of the three puppies and she is always eating! She has a great personality and is very outgoing.

This little male I've been calling "Boyo" and he comes when I call him. Pretty amazing for seven weeks old. You can see how tiny he is as he just fits in my hand. The same size Sophie was when I got her.