Saturday, October 01, 2011

October Garden

Flowers on my back step

Love my succulents

Last of the roses

Abundant daisies

Grapes = wine

Strawberries still blooming

Last of these too

Hydrangea still beautiful

Don't know the name of this shrub

Monday, July 25, 2011

There Be Whales!!

This is taken from a beach near my place. When I saw them on my drive home, I drove down there as fast as I could and got to have a good look!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Here it is July 24, 2011

t's been a while. I've been taking the photos, just not posting them here.

The latest in my garden:

I've been pulling these out by the handfuls.
They are trying to take over the whole garden.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blooming Garden

Through the arbour to the lilac and rhodo bushes.

Two rhodo bushes in full bloom. It's gorgeous to see.

The only blossom on my laburnum. It's third year there.

Same two rhodos from a different angle. They really fill the front yard.