Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How about some "photo art"? These were taken the same day as the car photos.

The autumn colours of the foliage really captured my attention. I realize it's been a while since I'm seen them like this.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Here I am, on the edge of the North American continent! Or at least here is the new vehicle. I'm surfing on someone's open wireless network. How cool is that? Oh, and the new vehicle has a great sound system, so I've got good tunes too. Right now it's James Morrison's Undiscovered.

This is the view, looking West to Vancouver Island. And the next thing after that is Japan.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

It's always interesting when you live on the ocean where there is a variety of ocean going traffic. I looked out of my window a day or two ago to see a building going by. Or course I grabbed my camera. Wish I knew the it's story. Click on them for a much larger view.

In the top photo you can see the building and being towed in front of it, what looks like a bunk house.

In this photo, there is the tug (way out front) that is pulling the two barges and the local ferry. Did you notice that there is a small boat being towed behind the buildings?

Friday, September 05, 2008

The Big Bear

It's been a while since I've added any photos but I think it's worth the wait. I took these photos this afternoon from my bedroom window. Life here in the boonies is NOT dull!!

My neighbour threw him some apples.

Here he is munching away. You can see he has a green apple.

He's coming closer!

He's on her patio!!

Snooping around! Is this lighter edible?

Hmmm...maybe there is something over here...

Maybe there is something IN here!!

Then he walked around the fence onto MY patio! He stood up on his hind legs and looked in MY window next!

I just missed getting him looking up at me. Creepy feeling!

Then he wandered back to see if there might be more apples out there.

And then, finally, he wandered off! Time elapsed....about 10 minutes.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Flowers at the A Frame

Last evening when I took my little dog for a short walk, I took along the camera and found these gorgeous blooms at the A Frame Church just down the street. Some of them were in the community garden and some beside the building. The colours are inspiration to me.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Beautiful Misty Rain

It's a beautiful misty rainy day today. Funny that this weather doesn't bother me. Though I woke up to rain today, I'm enjoying it. It's one of those misty rains that you get here with fog hanging along the shoreline blurring the view of the next island over. That's the dark shadows in the distance

And even before I finish this post, it's brightening. The fog is lifting and the sun is breaking through.

Bloomin' Port McNeill

Poppies in bloom in my pal Deborah's garden. Beautiful! I love the fragile beauty of poppies.

Blackberry bushes in bloom at the harbour. Looks like there will be an abundant crop!

Time on the Ocean

Some good friends of mine invited me to go out on the ocean with them in their new boat on Sunday. And of course I took a camera! You never know when there might be a photo op! This is the boat in which we travelled.

And this is the friend who owns the boat.

I was intrigued with the rock formations we saw on the back side of Haddington Island. The colours are amazing!

And finally, I couldn't resist this beautiful cluster of Foxglove flowers!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Feels Like Summer

It's been a while since I've posted here and today is finally the day. The weather has been so beautiful and warm the last few days that it feels like summer is finally here. I couldn't resist taking my little dog out for a nice walk to enjoy the weather.

I don't know the name of these blooms but they seem to grow wild all over here.

This is half of a staircase that runs from my street, down the hill to Beach Street. I usually try to go down it but not up it.

These are Rhododendrons which also grow wild; not just here but all over British Columbia. I've seen bushes covered in blooms that were eight feet high.

I sat for a bit on a bench near the water and just looked out over the ocean to the islands. It's just so peaceful.

Here comes the ferry!

We have a very busy working harbour. Besides all of the boats on their way to Alaska, we have lots of fishing boats here too.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

What a Beautiful Sunset!

Haven't seen a sunset like this one in ages! It appeared and disappeared in about a five minute period. I'm lucky to have caught it in a photo. Must be the time of year.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Rainbow Day

The weather today was really quite strange. Felt cold enough for snow and it couldn't decide between sunshine, rain and hail. We had it all. Late afternoon it was raining and the sun was shining. And of course there was a rainbow. If you look closely, you'll see that it's a double. How beautiful is that?

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Light Study

Again, the weather out there is amazing. It's quite stormy but the sun is breaking through and there is almost a rainbow now. When I looked out the window, the thing that really got my attention was the quality of the light out there. Right here almost at my feet was the bright emerald green of the grass that is thriving in our early 'spring'. Above the grass the red tinged branches of the bare and leafless canes of the wild blackberry bushes. The sun coming from behind me, over the rooftops is just barely beginning to light the canes. Another step upward toward the skyline and there is the frothing foam of the whitecaps as the wind pushes the waves into the shoreline. The sea is reflecting the deep grey of the passing clouds. The lowest of the clouds are shaded darker because you can almost see the mountains in the distance through them. From there, the sky shades through a grey scale with light spots and darker spots and some that are almost pure white. The sky is bright and ever changing.

The eagles have been here since early morning when I awakened to a pair screaming a conversation from the top of the tree right here. As I'm taking the photos of the study of light, I realize that something is crossing my lens. I take the photo anyway and as I pull the camera from my face, realize it's an eagle flying by just over my lawn. Almost, I could reach out and touch it.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008